Why Is God Silent When I Need Him? Finding Hope

Alt="a woman sitting in deep thought wondering why is God silent"

Why is God silent is a question that I believe almost everybody has asked at least once in a while. Have you ever cried out to God in pain, only to be met with silence? In moments of deep sorrow, loss, or injustice, it’s easy to question why a loving God would allow such hardship to exist. Why doesn’t He intervene? Where is He when we need Him most?

I have gone through this phase both as a Christian and as a family. I have never met anybody who has never experienced God’s silence. The other day I saw a prominent pastor in Kenya who died of cancer. This is a well-known pastor in Kenya JCC founder Bishop Allan Kiuna I am very sure they severally prayed and asked God to cure him of the cancer but that did not happen until he passed on. Is the wife questioning why God did not heal him? How about the church? Are they questioning God? This just did not happen to him but we also see the same things happen in the bible, there was an apostle who was sick and died sick, some were jailed and God did not kill the jailers nor make them vanish out of prison and they died either in prison or by stoning.

The silence of God can be one of the most difficult challenges to faith. If a crisis starts and ends, that is normal; you will convince yourself that everybody goes through that. But if a crisis starts and never ends but keeps on magnifying, then it leaves many questions in us wondering if it’s us, or if we don’t pray well enough, or if Christianity is a scam.

This silence can leave us feeling abandoned, confused, and even angry. Many choose atheism because they cannot reconcile believing in a seemingly absent God.

In human terms, would you be in a relationship with someone who you know has the power to solve any problem you have but chooses to watch you anguish in pain and do nothing? Definitely not!

Let’s explore why God sometimes seems silent. Let’s dig deeper to understand why He might choose not to respond when we need Him most. By the end of this discussion, let’s pray that your faith will be reignited to understand and believe that God exists and has a plan for your life—to make you stronger, more mature, and able to handle the great things He prepares for you.

Where is God When We Need Him?

What started small and you thought it would take just days, it is taking weeks and when you think it is about to end it is extending to months when you still trust in God and convince yourself that it won’t be long before you see light, it is now taking years, 1 after the other and the issue is still there and you wonder where is God?

Is God in heaven? Is God in our hearts? Is God in our homes? Where can we definitively locate God’s presence? How can we be certain that God is with us? Does God really exist? Is religion a way of controlling people? These are questions we grapple with, especially when God seems silent.

Many have abandoned belief in God due to His perceived silence. You pray, read the Bible, and live according to its teachings, yet there remains profound lack, loss, or unresolved issues. The pain in your heart is unbearable. You cry at night when nobody sees you, presenting a strong appearance in public to avoid questions about why you’re suffering despite your faith. Meanwhile, those who don’t believe in God seem to live nearly perfect lives.

I used to think I was the only one going through hardship as a devout Christian, unaware of the improvements in my life until God opened my eyes to His blessings. Along my journey, encountering others facing far greater challenges shifted my perspective on God’s silence. I’ve witnessed sole guardians taking care of loved ones, only to succumb to their own challenges. I’ve seen children forced to quit school due to financial struggles, seemingly perfect marriages fall apart, and kids from devout Christian families succumb to bad influences or end up in dire situations. People facing tragedy after tragedy wonder, where is God?

I’ve had plenty of doubts about God’s existence throughout my life journey—during my teenage years and even as a committed Christian in adulthood. I wondered why God allowed my parents to leave three kids to fend for themselves. The struggles of growing up without parents were unbearable. In my adult life, I’ve faced moments of doubt, wondering why God remains silent despite my devotion. There were prayers seemingly unanswered for years until I realized that God wasn’t silent; He simply had a different plan—a better one than mine.

As a family, we’ve gone through challenges that it reached a place where we wondered why is God so silent when we face all these challenges. We had an Autistic son. Check our blog on the challenges that come with raising an autistic child, loss of a job, passport expired—options vanished, finding ourselves in deep debt, and losing friends that made us wonder where is God. Why is He this silent? Does He really care? What we did not know is that these challenges brought us together, shaped our character, and humbled us not to think we had mastered the way of living. At the same time, it also revealed who our true friends were. 

We saw things that if we had never gone through this “silent” period of God with us, we wouldn’t have learned. It changed our focus, made us stronger in God, started praying as a family daily, and not individually as we used to, and above all, it brought us together as a family. After several years of silence, found a better job that I could spend with family more, started a website, and reached thousands of people, everybody in the family including kids knows how to pray as we do it daily and this has gone on for so long. My son at age 9 can do so much including working on our behalf whenever we are engaged with other things and my bosses cannot tell the difference.

In short, I can say the “silence” of God gave us direction and focus on what matters. We did not see this happening, we just realized that it was happening already we just did not realize it as we were deeply focused on pain. We came to understand that God was not silent as we thought, He was directing us to a better place. During our trial moments, we had a lot of questions without answers, after the trial moment we see answers to those unanswered questions that we had then.

Pain Hinders Our Perception of God’s Response

Pain often blinds us to God’s response in our lives. We become too focused on our suffering, neglecting to see God’s will at play within it. Did you realize that despite enduring such pain, you survived? Did you know that the same pain, if unchecked, could lead to worse situations like hospitalization or worse? God gave you the strength to endure so that one day, you might lift someone else’s spirit who faces similar struggles. 

I understand this may not be what you want to hear; your primary goal might be to alleviate pain or receive an immediate response from God. I understand that sometimes pain is so intense it feels impossible to see anything beyond it. Give it time—days, months, or even years—and you may come to appreciate how that experience shaped you.

Throughout history and in Scripture, countless faithful individuals wrestle with these questions. God’s silence isn’t a new phenomenon; it has existed from the beginning, often due to our limited understanding. Just as a child might ask for a car, but wise parents delay because they know it’s not yet beneficial, God may delay granting our requests for reasons beyond our current understanding.

Understanding God’s Silence

In silence, we learn to discern God’s whispers, sensing His presence in the stillness of our souls. It’s through silence that we discover faith’s transformative power, resilient in life’s storms.

God has a plan for you. While we should have our own plans to navigate daily life, God’s plan supersedes ours. Often, our plans falter while God never fails—always better than we imagined. Jeremiah 29:11 reassures us: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Remember, God’s silence doesn’t indicate His absence. He remains present, even in our darkest moments. His ways surpass ours; His thoughts transcend our understanding (Isaiah 55:9). Though we may not grasp His reasons, we can trust His purpose.

Four Reasons Why God Might Seem Silent

  1. Growth Through Trials: Hardships refine our faith, making us stronger. Just as gold is purified through fire, our faith is tested and strengthened through suffering (1 Peter 1:7).
  2. Greater Good: God uses difficult situations for greater purposes beyond our immediate view—bringing healing, redemption, or justice.
  3. Shifting Our Focus: God’s silence redirects us from problems to Him, fostering deeper dependence and trust.
  4. Testing Our Faith: God may allow periods of silence to test the strength of our faith and trust in Him. Just as a parent might let their child struggle with a task to build resilience, God may allow us to wrestle with uncertainty to deepen our reliance on Him. This doesn’t mean God is uncaring; rather, it’s a way for us to develop a more mature and resilient faith that can withstand challenges.

Finding Hope in the Silence

How can we find hope and peace when God seems silent? Consider these steps:

  1. Lean on Scripture: Find comfort and guidance in the Bible, especially in Psalms’ cries of lament that always return to God’s faithfulness and love.
  2. Seek Community: Connect with other believers for prayer and support. Share your struggles and allow others to walk beside you.
  3. Persist in Prayer: Even when it’s difficult, keep praying. Pour out your heart to God—prayer is a dialogue, not a monologue.
  4. Trust His Timing: God’s timing is perfect, even when it feels otherwise. Trust that He works all things together for good, even amid suffering (Romans 8:28).

A Reminder of God’s Love

Even in silence, God’s love for us remains steadfast. He walks with us through the valley of death’s shadow, never abandoning us (Psalm 23:4, Hebrews 13:5).

So, cling to the hope found in Christ—even when His actions are unclear. In silence, we can discover His presence, comfort, and unwavering love.


Suffering isn’t random or punitive; it’s part of our human journey, forging our character and testing our resilience. In suffering’s crucible, we plumb our depths and discover hope and compassion.

God’s silence amid suffering doesn’t negate His love or existence. Instead, it urges us to seek Him differently, to listen with our hearts, and to trust His goodness, even when His ways elude us.

During life’s trials and the silence we perceive from God, may we remember that His love for us remains unwavering. Though we may not always understand His ways, His presence endures even in the darkest moments. Let us hold fast to the hope found in Christ, for His silence is not an absence but an invitation—to deeper trust, stronger faith, and a relationship marked by His unyielding love. As we journey through our own seasons of silence, may we encourage one another, share our stories, and lift each other in prayer. Together, let us embrace the mystery of faith, finding solace in knowing that even in the silence, God is with us, guiding us toward His perfect purpose and everlasting peace.

Share your experiences of God’s silence and let us pray together for strength and guidance.

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