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Are you struggling or dealing with a toxic person in your life? Or maybe you’re wondering if YOU might be the toxic one? This video explores what makes someone toxic, the impact they have, and whether they can change. In this video, we’ll cover signs of toxic behavior (like gossiping, control, lies and negativity), why people become toxic (childhood experiences, trauma etc.), how to handle toxic relationships, can toxic people change or is there hope for change?

Have you ever wondered what to do with someone who is not paying your debt? Owe someone money but can’t pay? Someone owes YOU and won’t pay up? This video dives deep into the reasons behind unpaid debts. Ever felt like the bad guy when you couldn’t repay a debt? Or frustrated when someone owes you and won’t pay? This video explores the hidden struggles behind unpaid debts . Let’s talk about financial hardship, debt struggles, unpaid debt and solutions .

Are you feeling your partner is holding back in your relationship, leaving you unappreciated despite giving your all? This video breaks down the disparity between dating and marriage expectations, providing strategies to enhance your relationship or make the decision to move on if necessary. Emphasizing the importance of building a connection based on love and commitment rather than material gifts, it delves into the crucial question of equal contribution in both dating and marriage.

This video explores the challenging topic of God’s silence, addressing why He may seem absent in times of need. Drawing from personal experiences, scripture, and real-life examples, it delves into how such periods can foster personal growth and deepen faith. The video aims to show how God’s silence doesn’t equate to absence, but rather serves a purpose in shaping and strengthening individuals, leading to greater trust in His love. It invites viewers to join a supportive community and discover more about navigating life’s challenges with faith. 

#godssilence #faithandsuffering #christianityexplained #biblicalwisdom #spiritualgrowth #godsplannotmine #christianliving #godslove #godstiming #questioningbeliefs #spiritualgrowth #biblestudy #christiancommunity

Is missing church a sin? Does it put your salvation at risk? Does missing church make you a bad Christian? If you’ve ever felt guilt, shame, or fear about missing services, this video is for you. Let’s explore what the Bible says, different faith perspectives, and why a relationship with God matters more than a perfect attendance record. Biblical verses discussed

#hebrews10, Romans 14:5, Romans 14:5 #acts Acts 2:42-47 Personal story (mention your church background briefly)

#church #faith #christianity #guilt #salvation #sinning #churchofchrist ‪@churchservice5143‬ #churchfamily #backslide #backslider #faithjourney #churchattendance #christianityexplained #romans14 

Is tithing mandatory for Christians? Does the Bible say you must give 10%? Does God REALLY want you to go into debt to tithe? This video explores Old vs. New Testament giving, the misuse of verses like Malachi 3, and why God doesn’t need your money to bless you. Let’s dive deep into the Bible to separate Old Testament requirements from New Testament giving. Malachi 3, Levites vs. pastors, and God’s heart for cheerful giving. Whether you’re a dedicated tither or have questions, this video will help you think through a crucial part of Christian life. Questions we’ll cover: Were Old Testament tithes only food, not money? Should pastors receive tithes like Levite priests? Does not tithing bring a curse?

  #tithing #ChristianGiving #Malachi #stewardship #generosity #stewards  #givingmoney #offering #offerings

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